Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back in the NOCA days year 2000

.Okay, these pictures are ten years old. They are from when I worked for the plant propagation deparment at North Cascades National Park. Can you believe I used to spend days collecting seeds, keying out plants, and revegetating mountain sides for money. Life was vast and simple. In fact, living in such a beautiful place was a lure for good friends living far away. My friend Katie de Laveaga, at the time a botanist at Pinnacles National Monument in California came to visit and we went hiking everyday. This was in July, I think. Snow travel makes the route all that more fun. I can hear Katie's mother saying "that girl some haoli."
The country bumpkins spend the day in Seattle.
At the top.
Enjoying the view.
Crossing the river on our way up to Monogram lake.
Monogram lake
Snow drifting across the lake.
View of Glacier peak on the slope of Sauk mountain.

This was our afternoon day hike up to Sauk mountain.

The Skagit river is down below, and Valerian is one of the predominant native wildflowers blooming in the foreground.
Snags are beautiful too.
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1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Zibby! What a beautiful surprise to walk down memory lane with you. That was an amazing trip to the Cascades. Just one of many fondest thoughts I have of adventuring with you. I will have to show Maile these photos when she wakes up, as she now loves to hear the stories from "when mom was a kid!"
    Have a great day!
